Ways To GIVE
Thank you for financially supporting the Centre for Whale Research's
work for the benefit of the Orcas.
Why fundraise for CWR and the ORCAS?
Whether you are one person, a couple, a group, or a company, the money you raise will go directly to support research and actions to help the Southern Resident orcas avoid extinction. Hosting a fundraiser is easy to do and is a great way to spend quality time with family, friends, schoolmates, and coworkers.
PLANNING and ORGANIZING your Fundraiser
Step One
Choose a fundraiser you would like to organize
Special Occasions
Celebrate important times in your life by helping the families of the Southern Resident orca community.
Special Anniversaries
Fundraising, as part of a group, as a team, for something you believe in, is very rewarding.
Need some fundraiser ideas or inspiration?
Check out these actual fundraising events undertaken by people like you for the benefit of the Centre for Whale Research and the Orcas.
Bake Sales
Art Sales
- Holiday Parties
- Pub Nights
Craft Sales
Garage/Second-Hand Sales
Walk, Run, Bike, or Kayak-athons
Classroom Fundraisers
Children learn about compassion, charity, and teamwork, and the importance of protecting their natural environment.
Green-Climate Promises
Art Exhibitions
Talent Shows
Book Sales
Spare Change Drives
Lemonade Stands
Car Washes
AllKindsOf-a-thons (e.g., Dance, Swim, Skate, etc.)
Workplace Initiatives*
Supporting meaningful conservation efforts is a great way to show your commitment to a healthier planet.
Employee-matching Donations
Percentage of Sales Proceeds
Employee Achievement
Milestone Anniversaries
*Some types of fundraisers undertaken by businesses are more complex than others. If your business is interested in fundraising for CWR where employee-matching donations, percentage of sales proceeds, or employee achievement is involved, please contact info@whaleresearch.com for guidelines and terms and conditions.
Step Two
Plan your fundraiser
Plan ahead!
Make a list of what you’ll need (e.g., date, location/venue, budget, etc.).
Are you going to design a fundraising website or crowdfunding page to describe your event and why you are doing it, and your financial goal? Share the link widely.
Organize yourself to receive money (cash, cheques, credit cards, electronic donations). Print the CWR Donation Collection Form, where donors can indicate if they would like a tax receipt.
Design and print your promotional materials and tickets/invitations.
Make a list of potential supporters.
Plan to take a bunch of photographs during your event.
Let us know about your event: Name, date, time, financial goal, etc.
Step Three
Spread the word about your event or fundraiser
Tell potential supporters why you are fundraising for CWR and the Southern Resident orcas. Inspire donors with your personal story.
Promote your event using Social Media, Email, Posters, Press Releases, and School Announcements.
Tell people your financial goal. And remind them of your progress: “I’ve raised $250! I’m halfway to my goal of $500 goal! Please help if you can!”
If you reach your goal, consider raising it!
Repeat your Social Media and Email messages. Followers or recipients may not respond the first time they hear from you and will appreciate the reminder. Try to avoid contacting people a second time if they’ve already donated.
Step Four
Submit the money you raised to CWR
Submit the net proceeds of your fundraiser to CWR within 30 days of the date of your event.
Collect cash, cheques (payable to the Center for Whale Research), and CWR Donation Collection Form (if applicable). Please note on the CWR Donation Collection Form if the cash is from several people.
Or submit a One Time Donation for the entire amount by credit card.
Put one or multiple cheques, and the CWR Donation Collection Form together in an envelope and mail to: Center for Whale Research, Attention: Community Fundraising, P.O. Box 1577, Friday Harbor, WA 98250
DO NOT send cash in the mail.
Step Five
Thank your donors and let us know how you made out
After your event is over, let everyone know how it went as soon as possible. Sometimes interested donors forget. They’ll appreciate the personal reminder, and thank you.
When your fundraiser is completed, let us know how your event went (info@whaleresearch.com). Include a short event description, a few photographs, and when you mailed the CWR Donation Collection Form and total money raised.
We know that raising money is both challenging and satisfying. We applaud for your accomplishment on behalf of the Southern Resident orca families!
Frequently Asked Questions
About holding a Community Fundraiser
Can CWR help me with my event? We hope this Community Fundraising page will assist you in planning and staging your event. Also, CWR can provide you with a selection of photographs of Southern Resident orcas for use in your fundraiser promotional material. CWR cannot provide staff assistance for your fundraiser, publicize your event, endorse a product or service, or financially support the undertaking of the event.
What materials does CWR make available for me to use in my fundraiser? CWR Donation Collection Form for recording donations and a selection of photographs of Southern Resident orcas for use in promoting the event.
How will CWR use the money I raise at my event? The money raised by you during your fundraising event will go directly to supporting research and actions by the Center for Whale Research to help the Southern Resident orcas avoid extinction.
Will people who donate during my fundraiser receive a tax receipt for the amount they give? Yes, tax receipts will be issued to everyone who donates $?? or more and requests a tax receipt. In-kind donations are not eligible for a tax receipt.
Can I use the CWR logo to promote my event or at my event? No. The Center for Whale Research is a research organization and does not permit (rarely) the use of its logo in promotional material/fundraising activity unless spearheaded by CWR staff. The CWR logo is protected under copyright law. However, you can say in your event promotion: All proceeds will be donated to the Center for Whale Research.
How will CWR use the personal information collected during my fundraiser? The personal information collected will be used to issue tax receipts (when applicable) and to periodically contact donators about the work CWR does in support of the Southern Resident orcas. We DO NOT share access to donor contact information.
What will you do with event photographs and comments from donators that I send you? We want you to send us pictures and comments from donators who supported your fundraiser event. We may display some of these on the Community Fundraiser Inspiration page on our website or post them on our social media channels.