Southern Resident Orca (SRKW)

SRKW Population (July 1, 2024): 73 whales
J Pod=25, K Pod=15, L Pod=33
Members of the Southern Resident orcas’ J pod swimming near Swiftsure Bank during Encounter #67 on July 7, 2024
(Photograph by CWR ORCA SURVEY Lead Dave Ellifrit).
J, K, and L pod populations reduced significantly during the 1960s and early 1970s due to whale captures for marine park exhibitions. The abductors killed at least 13 orcas during the captures; 45 whales ended up in parks across the globe. No SRKW remains alive in captivity.
Center for Whale Research
Southern Resident killer whale
Census 2024
The Center for Whale Research has completed its July 1, 2024 census of the Southern Resident killer whale population (SRKW) and submitted its report to NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration). This report marks the 49th such census completed as part of the ORCA SURVEY program.
Unfortunately, the census period from July 1, 2023, to the same date in 2024 saw a drop in the Southern Resident killer whale population, from 75 individuals to 73. This is the result of losing two adult males, K34 and L85, as well as the only whale born within the census period, male calf J60. As of July 1, 2024, J pod stood at 25 individuals, K pod at 15, and L pod at 33. Note that these counts do not include new arrival L128, born after the census date.
K34 was last seen by CWR on July 7, 2023, near Swiftsure Bank. At the time, he appeared to be in poor body condition. He was not seen in any subsequent encounters with K pod. We considered him to be at high risk as an adult male without a mother (K13 died in 2017).
L85 was last seen by CWR researchers on August 18, 2023, but was also encountered by our colleagues at Ocean Wise in November. While he appeared somewhat thin in August, photos from November suggested he hadn’t declined further. However, he has not been seen in subsequent encounters with his social group or other Southern Residents. Like K34, L85 was an adult male without a living mother. L85 was “adopted” by L12 after the death of his mother L28, and later latched onto L25 after L12 died. He was one of the three oldest males in the population, along with J26 and J27, all born in 1991.
J60’s short life was strange and tumultuous. First confirmed by Mark and Maya Sears in Puget Sound on December 26, 2023, J60 was initially photographed traveling alongside J40. However, J40 was not visibly pregnant in late 2023. When CWR first encountered the calf on January 3, 2024, he was travelling with J16, a post-reproductive female. Then, on January 7, J60 was encountered swimming alongside J16’s daughter, J42. J42 was likely pregnant in late 2023. Photographs of her breaching on December 21, 2023, indicated she was no longer pregnant and certainly not about to give birth within the next week. The only other J pod female that was heavily pregnant in late 2023 was J46. We, therefore, assign J46 as the “probable” mother of J60 in our dataset. It’s unclear whether this was a case of calf rejection, an inability of the mother to properly nurse the calf with other females attempting to help, or kidnapping. J60 did not appear to be putting on weight in later encounters and was not seen with J pod when encountered on January 27, 2024. J60, therefore, likely died sometime in early to mid January.
NOAA’s delisting criteria for Southern Resident killer whales include a population growth rate of 2.3% over 28 years. However, in the last decade, every census showing population growth has been followed by a subsequent decline. The Center for Whale Research’s data clearly shows that survival rates are closely tied to Chinook salmon abundance, and there cannot be an effective recovery of the SRKW population without an increase in this crucial resource. Without sufficient prey abundance, the Southern Residents will simply not be able to sustain population growth.

J59 bellyflopping on March 22 (2024 OS Encounter #23).

Southern Resident Orca
The Southern Resident orcas are an extended family or clan comprising J, K, and L pods.

K45 on June 1during 2024 OS Encounter #46.
CWR’s 2024 Orca Survey Southern Resident Killer Whale ID GUIDE PDF is available for CWR Members to DOWNLOAD.

Orca held in a net during the capture years.
Read the CWR Blog: Captured! Sold to the highest bidder!
The Southern Resident killer whales (SRKW; also called orcas/Orcinus orca) are a large extended family, or clan, comprised of J, K, and L pods. Within each pod, families form into sub-pods centered around older females, usually grandmothers or great-grandmothers. Male and female offspring remain in close association with their mothers for life.
Throughout the 1960s and early 1970s, the population of the three pods was significantly reduced due to whale captures for marine park exhibitions. The abductors killed at least 13 orcas during the captures; 45 whales were delivered to parks worldwide (read CWR Blog: Captured! Sold to the highest bidder!). Seventy-one SRKWs survived in 1974. Following the death of Tokitae/Sk’aliChelt-tenaut in August 2023, no SRKW lives in captivity.
The Southern Resident population grew during the late 1970s, 1980s, and mid-1990s, peaking at 98 animals. However, the population trend turned downward in the late 1990s, declining from 98 to 78 whales by 2001.
CWR’s July 1, 2024 population census counted 73 whales.
Southern Resident Orca CLAN
J Pod
J pod is the pod most likely to appear year-round in the waters of the San Juan Islands and Southern Gulf Islands, lower Puget Sound (near Seattle), and British Columbia’s Georgia Strait. This pod used to frequent the inland waters of the Salish Sea from late spring through early fall. In recent years, visits have shifted to a shorter timeframe: late summer to early fall. J pod matriarch J16 is the pod’s oldest member, estimated to have been born in 1972.
K Pod
K pod is the Southern Resident killer whale pod with the fewest members. The most recent calf born into K pod is K45 (female), born in April 2022 to K20. Like J pod, K pod’s oldest member, a female, K12, is estimated to have been born in 1972.
L Pod
L pod is the largest of the three Southern Resident pods. L25, estimated to have been born in 1928, is the oldest whale in the Southern Resident community. The pod’s newest calf is L128 (2024 OS Encounter #95). Calves L126 (male) and L127 (female) were born into the population in 2023. CWR researchers obtained photos and drone footage confirming that L127 is female (2023 UAV Encounter #6) and L126 is male (2023 OS Encounter #34). Learn about distinguishing the sex of an orca.

Southern Resident Orca Population // J, K, and L Pod Census
Copyright © 2024 Center for Whale Research.
Derivative use requires written approval.

Southern Resident Orca Population // Births and Deaths
Copyright © 2024 Center for Whale Research.
Derivative use requires written approval.
Why are there two official Southern Resident (SRKW) Orca POPULATION dates?
*The Center for Whale Research reports on demographic changes in the Southern Resident orca population twice yearly, representing the population’s status on July 1 and December 31.
Our research can only look backwards. For example, for CWR’s September-end SRKW census report to NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/NOAA Fisheries), we look and say which orcas were sighted alive in the period ending July 1.
When does CWR decide if a SRKW is dead?
Orcas missing from CWR ORCA SURVEY Encounters with their associates on three occasions or more are likely deceased. We make a complete statement about a whale's absence and status when posting our twice-yearly population updates. Remember that censusing a marine mammal population, even a small, well-known one like the Southern Resident orcas, takes a lot of time and patience.
The Southern Resident killer whale population totals cited in this website are for the general public and are provided as estimates. Any printed or broadcast reference to this population estimate must include credit to the Center for Whale Research.
*In this YouTube video, part of his Superpod 6 presentation (4:43 - 9:28),
Ken Balcomb explains why there are July 1 and December 31
SRKW Population Counts.