Another New Baby in J Pod-J52!
Jeanne Hyde photo courtesy Center for Whale Research

From Center for Whale Research
31 March 2015
We will preface this announcement by stating that this report of a new baby in J pod is undoubtedly true and well documented, but it is not the result of a Research Encounter conducted by Center for Whale Research personnel. The observers of this new baby are experienced members and naturalists aboard vessels operated by professionals in the Pacific Whale Watch Association who are dedicated to non-invasive recreational whale watching. Photographs have been forwarded to staff of the Center for Whale Research (CWR) and have been confirmed as usable documentation sufficient to designate the new baby as J52; but, until we have several prolonged observations and documentation by CWR staff under official permit, we will be unable to determine the identity of the mother of this new baby.
J52, is the newest member of J pod and was first seen mid-day on 30 March 2015 near Active Pass, British Columbia by avid whale-watchers. When first observed the baby still evidenced fetal folds indicating it was at most a few days old, and it appeared healthy and robust. The birth of this baby brings the total number of whales in J pod to 27 individuals, and the estimated total number of Southern Resident Killer Whales (Orca) to 81 individuals. The latter number cannot be confirmed until the K and L pod whales return to the Salish Sea from their coastal forays – usually by June. The annual census number for SRKW’s is based upon the number of individuals alive as of 1 July each year.
Photo Credit: Jeanne Hyde courtesy of Center for Whale Reseasrch