Motherly love comes in all shapes and sizes.
Show your mom how much she means to you by making a donation in her name. Your donation will help another mother, one who very much needs support. This Orca mother thanks you.

Mother's Day
Once you have completed your donation you will receive a link to a special Mother's Day Ecard webpage. Forward this page to your Mom in an email.
For all the Moms on Mother's Day
Show appreciation of your mom with a gift in her name ... to advance the efforts of the Center for Whale Research to save nature’s other magnificent moms ... the mothers and matriarchs of the Southern Resident Orca community.
These matriarchs and mothers are an iconic part of our ocean habitat. However, their numbers and their daughters and granddaughters and sons numbers are continuing to decline at an alarming rate, due to a shortage of their primary food (Chinook salmon).
There are currently fewer than 30 female orcas in the Southern Resident Orca community who can reproduce, and only six young female whales (1-12 years of age) who will be able someday to have offspring and add to the Southern Resident’s depleting numbers. The five matriarchs (42+ years of age) continue nurturing and teaching these female orcas, as well as the males who comprise the balance of the extended orca family.
With the Southern Residents in real danger of extinction, the Center for Whale Research is working conscientiously to convince U.S. and Canadian politicians to ACT NOW to reverse the trend of steadily declining salmon stocks and grow the Southern Resident Orca community.
Your gift today will support CWR’s critical work, whether you make it in showing appreciation of your mom, someone who's like a mother to you, or one of the Southern Resident orca moms present or passed (like J2).
Thank you ... and Happy Mother's Day!
Thank You for your donation
The Center for Whale Research is a 501C3 non profit organization registered in Washington State. Tax ID# 91-1334319