We currently have TWO internship opportunities with the Center for Whale Research in 2024.
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Center for Whale Research
Deadline for application:
February 15, 2024 at 11:59 PM
Center for Whale Research 2024 RESEARCH INTERNSHIP
General Description
The Center for Whale Research (CWR) is seeking applications for two research interns for the summer of 2024. This is a three-month position, working with the CWR research and education staff on San Juan Island, Washington, to conduct on-the-water field work, catalog and analyze data, and communicate scientific information to the public. The successful applicants will be provided with housing, training by CWR research and education staff, and a $1,000/month subsistence stipend.
About the Center for Whale Research
The Center for Whale Research is an internationally recognized non-profit research institution based in Friday Harbor, Washington, USA. For the last four decades, the CWR has conducted rigorous, non-invasive demographic and behavioral research on killer whales in the Pacific Northwest, with particular emphasis on the endangered southern resident killer whales. As part of our primary research project, Orca Survey, the CWR completes an individual-level photo-ID census of the SRKW every year. Additionally, the CWR conducts behavioral studies of killer whales using unoccupied aerial systems (UAS) to understand their foraging, movement, and social structure. More information about the CWR, including our mission, goals, current research, and past publications, is available on our website (whaleresearch.com).
Role and Responsibilities
This internship aims to provide training and experience to students and early career researchers who hope to pursue a career in marine mammal research and conservation. Interns will participate in the CWR’s Orca Survey and Aerial Observation research programs, both on the water and in the office. The successful applicant will gain training and experience in:
Small boat operations and safety
Cetacean photography for individual identification and health assessment
Killer whale behavioral observation and sampling
Unoccupied aerial system (UAS) operations for behavioral observation
Data cataloging and management, including photographs, videos, and behavior notes
Identification of individual resident and Bigg’s killer whales
Communicating science to the general public
This work will involve early mornings, long days on the water in a small, open boat, and long hours of computer work cataloging and analyzing video and photographs.
Interns will spend one day per week in the CWR’s Orca Survey Outreach Center in Friday Harbor, communicating research and delivering short presentations to the public. Interns will receive science communication training from the CWR’s education and outreach staff. For more information about the internship, please read the Q&A with our 2023 interns posted here.
The internship will begin on June 15, 2024, and end on September 15, 2024.
Applicants must either hold or be pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field (i.e. life and environmental sciences). All applicants must be at least 18 years of age, hold a valid driver’s license, and be able to live and study in the USA.
Required Skills and Experience
Experience being part of a collaborative research team in field or laboratory settings
Able to live in a communal setting
Good teamwork and communication skills
Highly motivated and eager to learn
Computer literate, particularly with Microsoft Office and file management systems
Comfortable communicating information to the general public, both one-on-one and in presentations
Physically able to lift equipment up to 70 lbs and spend long days on a moving vessel with significant wind and sun exposure
Comfortable with a flexible work schedule - will likely include early mornings and late evenings on the boat for fieldwork
Application Process
To apply for this internship, please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/ZExqoBxqqAaYBPB38
In addition to answering some basic questions, you will be asked to upload a cover letter, CV, and contact information for two references. In your cover letter, please clearly outline why you would like to undertake this internship, what you hope to accomplish in your career more generally, and any challenges or barriers you’ve faced in your career and education. Applicants from backgrounds underrepresented in marine and life sciences are highly encouraged to apply.
Applications close on February 15, 2024 at 11:59 PM, Pacific. Applicants will be notified whether they have been short-listed in early March. Short-listed candidates will then be invited to a brief online interview with the CWR research team, with interviews held in March. Short-listed candidates will be informed whether they were selected in early April.
If you have any questions, please email Michael Weiss: michael@whaleresearch.com
Center for Whale Research 2024 EDUCATION INTERNSHIP
General Description
The Center for Whale Research (CWR) is seeking applications for one education intern for the summer of 2024. This is a three-month position, working with the CWR education staff on San Juan Island, Washington, to communicate scientific information to the public in our Orca Survey Outreach and Education Center. The successful applicant will be provided with housing, training by CWR education staff, and a $1,000/month internship subsistence stipend.
About the Center for Whale Research
The Center for Whale Research is an internationally recognized non-profit research institution based in Friday Harbor, Washington, USA. For the last four decades, the CWR has conducted rigorous, non-invasive demographic and behavioral research on killer whales in the Pacific Northwest, with particular emphasis on the endangered southern resident killer whales. As part of our primary research project, Orca Survey, the CWR completes an individual-level photo-ID census of the SRKW every year. Additionally, the CWR conducts behavioral studies of killer whales using unoccupied aerial systems (UAS) to understand their foraging, movement, and social structure. More information about the CWR, including our mission, goals, current research, and past publications, is available on our website (whaleresearch.com).
Role and Responsibilities
This internship aims to provide training and experience to students and early career educators who hope to pursue a career in education or similar. Interns will participate in operations at the CWR’s Orca Survey Outreach & Education Center and programs. The successful applicant will gain training and experience in:
Interfacing with the public in a friendly and enthusiastic manner conveying information about CWR (our research, etc.), SRWK, the Salish Sea ecosystem and its inhabitants, etc. meanwhile being sure that information conveyed is correct and accurate to the best of one’s knowledge. Use the technology/tools in the education center to help engage the public on a more meaningful level.
Working with all age groups and with people from all over the world.
Helping to foster a continuing relationship between CWR and the public by membership recruitment.
A good working knowledge of CWR, SRWK, and the Salish Sea ecosystem.
Merchandise sales as well as any customer service necessary.
The intern will spend five days per week in the CWR’s Orca Survey Outreach Center in Friday Harbor, communicating research/natural history information and delivering short presentations to the public. Interns will receive science communication training from the CWR’s education and outreach staff.
**PLEASE NOTE** This is NOT a research internship. This internship solely focuses on education. While an opportunity may arise to join staff on the research vessel, this should not be expected and is not guaranteed nor should it be a motivation for applying for this internship.
The internship will begin on June 15, 2024, and end on September 15, 2024. Dates can be negotiable as long as the applicant is available for a continuous three month time-period during the summer months.
Applicants must either hold or be pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in education related field. All applicants must be at least 18 years of age and be able to live and study in the USA.
Required Skills and Experience
Experience being part of a collaborative education team
Able to live in a communal setting
Good teamwork and communication skills
Highly motivated and eager to learn
Computer literate
Comfortable communicating information to the general public, both one-on-one and in presentations
Comfortable with a flexible work schedule
Ability to work 8 hours per day with long stretches of being on your feet
Application Process
To apply for this internship, please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/xYuxaCaTwp4e4oKb6
In addition to answering some basic questions, you will be asked to upload a cover letter, CV, and contact information for two references. In your cover letter, please clearly outline why you would like to undertake this internship, what you hope to accomplish in your career more generally, and any challenges or barriers you’ve faced in your career and education.
Applications close on March 1, 2024 at 11:59 PM, PST. Applicants will be notified whether they have been short-listed by March 15th. Short-listed candidates will then be invited to a brief online interview with the CWR education team, with interviews held in late March. Internship applicant will be informed whether they were selected in early April.
If you have any questions, please email Katie Jones at katie@whaleresearch.com